Haven Herefords, UK

We would like to congratulate everyone at Mawarra on their 50th Anniversary Sale. It is a great feat to keep producing quality cattle at the top end of the beef industry for such a period of time.

At The Haven we started using Mawarra genetics over 12 years  ago with M. Vice Admiral who made a great impression on our cow herd adding functionality and consistency.

We then used M. Aftershock who has left us cows with great volume and perfect udders, and bulls with presence and power including our young stud sire, Haven Voltage.

In 2021 we were fortunate to secure the semen rights for M. Influential whose calves are just arriving and look very  promising, just as we have come to expect from Mawarra Genetics.

Well done and good luck with the next 50 years!

Kind regards

Edward Lewis


Pure Hereford Beef from Haven Herefords Est. 1822